One Corporal’s Journey (S1 E15)
From armoured to U.S. Ranger trainee to photographer, Cpl Morgan LeBlanc has had an interesting time in uniform. He tells us all about it.
Cpl Morgan LeBlanc started out in the Canadian Army as a Cougar gunner in a reserve armoured unit. He then went regular force infantry with 2 PPCLI in Shilo. That eventually included successfully completing the U.S. Army’s Ranger course. Now he has his dream job as the “Peter Parker" of the Infantry School in Gagetown, New Brunswick.
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E-mail: armyconnect-connectionarmee@forces.gc.ca
Host: Capt Adam Orton
Canadian Army Social Media
E-mail: armyconnect-connectionarmee@forces.gc.ca
Host: Capt Adam Orton
Canadian Army Social Media
Copyright Information
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2020
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2020