Displaying 31 - 60 of 66 in total

Snipers (S3 E7)

Snipers (S3 E7)

Two soldiers spend several hours stealthily reaching their vantage point. And then after long and careful observation, a rifle is aimed, and a shot rings out. But the...

A Black Woman in Uniform: Her Soldier Story (S3 E6)

A Black Woman in Uniform: Her Soldier Story (S3 E6)

While soldiers share much in common, every soldier’s career can have its unique challenges. That can be particularly true if you’re a woman of colour.

Medics (S3 E5)

Medics (S3 E5)

Find out what Medics do and why they are called 'Doc'!

Basic Training and Beyond (S3 E4)

Basic Training and Beyond (S3 E4)

So what happens when you join up and go through basic training?

Army Reserve Individual Readiness (S3 E3)

Army Reserve Individual Readiness (S3 E3)

There are new standards for individual readiness in the Canadian Army Reserve.

Matsimus | Social Media Soldier (S3 E2)

Matsimus | Social Media Soldier (S3 E2)

An artillery soldier has become a big success on social media.

Future of the Army (S3 E1)

Future of the Army (S3 E1)

The Acting Army Commander MGen Michel-Henri St-Louis is all fired up about “what’s next” for the Canadian Army.

Podcast Extra | Fall Schedule (S2 E14)

Podcast Extra | Fall Schedule (S2 E14)

Find out what podcasts we are working on! We have lots of cool topics planned for the months to come.

The Digital Army (S2 E13)

The Digital Army (S2 E13)

Improving the Canadian Army's digital culture is more than just using the latest technology or the best software. The Army recognizes that it needs to become more "Dig...

Major Changes to Training (S2 E12)

Major Changes to Training (S2 E12)

Significant changes have been made to training in the Army. These changes apply to both the Regular and Reserve Forces.

The Last Frontier | A Northern Posting (S2 E11)

The Last Frontier | A Northern Posting (S2 E11)

What's life like for a soldier who is posted North of Sixty? In this episode, Captain Orton brings you stories from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and the land t...

Combat Divers (S2 E10)

Combat Divers (S2 E10)

If falling backwards in full diving gear off a boat speeding down a cold river sounds like fun to you, maybe you should consider becoming a Combat Diver. Listen in to ...

U.S. Army Exchange Officer (S2 E9)

U.S. Army Exchange Officer (S2 E9)

Exchange officers are sent to serve a tour of duty with another country’s military. The Canadian Army both sends and receives a number of these officers each year. We ...

In the Reserves: One soldier's story (S2 E8)

In the Reserves: One soldier's story (S2 E8)

What’s it like to be a young Reservist? We’ll hear from a member who’s living that experience. He’ll also tell us how a summer program was helpful to both his personal...

Electronic Warfare (S2 E7)

Electronic Warfare (S2 E7)

Using computerized jujitsu to turn an enemy’s communications against them, tracking their troops with the scantiest of signals, it’s all part of the world of electroni...

Assault Pioneers (S2 E6)

Assault Pioneers (S2 E6)

Assault Pioneers are sometimes informally referred to as Lumberjack Commandos. They have a set of skills that were part of the Army's capabilities a couple of decades ...

Arctic Training (S2 E5)

Arctic Training (S2 E5)

Soldiers in Canada’s Arctic face special challenges of climate and geography that affect operations, supply chains – let alone the ability to just actually survive. Me...

Operation UNIFIER (S2 E4)

Operation UNIFIER (S2 E4)

Canadian soldiers continue to be deployed on a number of international operations, including Operation UNIFIER. Op UNIFIER is the Canadian contribution to a multi-nati...

Special Forces | CANSOFCOM (S2 E3)

Special Forces | CANSOFCOM (S2 E3)

Soldiers covertly stacking up against walls in the dead of night, breaching doors, while wearing night vision goggles and pointing lasers at their targets – that’s wha...

Training to Deploy | Peace Support Training Centre (S2 E2)

Training to Deploy | Peace Support Training Centre (S2 E2)

When our soldiers prepare to deploy to places such as Mali, Congo or Sudan, they go for training at the Canadian Army’s Peace Support Training Centre which is headquar...

Do the Right Thing on Social Media (S2 E1)

Do the Right Thing on Social Media (S2 E1)

Host Captain Adam Orton and his guest have a frank discussion about social media etiquette and how to stay out of trouble.

One Corporal’s Journey (S1 E15)

One Corporal’s Journey (S1 E15)

From armoured to U.S. Ranger trainee to photographer, Cpl Morgan LeBlanc has had an interesting time in uniform. He tells us all about it.

A Career in the Artillery (S1 E14)

A Career in the Artillery (S1 E14)

Colonel Marie-Christine Harvey has spent most of her 24 year career in uniform working in the artillery trade. Currently, she is G3 head of operations at Army Headquar...

Junior Army Officers (S1 E13)

Junior Army Officers (S1 E13)

So you decide to join the Army and become a junior officer. What’s that like? Is it what you thought it would be? We find out from one young soldier’s perspective. 2Lt...

National Silver Cross Mother (S1 E12)

National Silver Cross Mother (S1 E12)

Each year, from among those who have lost a son or daughter during active military operations, the Canadian Legion selects a National Silver Cross Mother. Reine Sampso...

Get Out and Ruck March! (S1 E11)

Get Out and Ruck March! (S1 E11)

Soldier first is a term we throw around a lot, but are you willing to throw on a ruck and go for a walk “for fun” after the day’s training is over? For more than 3000 ...

Role of the Chaplain (S1 E10)

Role of the Chaplain (S1 E10)

“Go tell it to the padre“, is something many soldiers have heard over the course of their career at some point. The role of chaplains in the Canadian Army is a simple,...

Marksmanship: Soldier Shooting Skills (S1 E9)

Marksmanship: Soldier Shooting Skills (S1 E9)

A soldier who has demonstrated his superior marksmanship at the Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Concentration talks about what’s involved in training for this level o...

Canada Army Run Virtual 2020 (S1 E8)

Canada Army Run Virtual 2020 (S1 E8)

For the past 13 years, Canada Army Run has taken place every September on the streets of Ottawa. This year, it’s virtual and taking place everywhere runners want to pa...

Combat Team Commander's Course (S1 E7)

Combat Team Commander's Course (S1 E7)

The Tactics School's outgoing Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Christian Caron talks about the Combat Team Commander's Course.

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2025